Support services for flourishing lives
Temcare’s Children’s Day Respite Care program includes:
Short-term regular day-only respite care from 8am to 5pm. This provides a much-needed break for families while offering children a loving and caring environment.
Emergency short-term day respite care. Provides short-notice day-only (8am to 5pm) emergency care in a safe environment while the authorities or wider families put in place longer-term arrangements. This is available for up to three separate days if required.
DAY RESPITE: Short breaks for parents and children can make all the difference.
Prisoner Family Support
Practical support for adolescent children of prisoners.
- School holiday camps.
- Sports participation opportunities with sporting teams.
- Tutoring by volunteer tutors.
- Food bags from church partners.
- Annual Temcare Youth Camp
Temcare staff members work closely with our partner networks and supportive local churches to provide families of prisoners with practical assistance.
HOPE: Prisoner family support:
Support for Young Families
Practical support for struggling young families with toddlers aged 1 to 3, seeking to assist parents in this most fulfilling of human endeavours, raising a family.
- Practical parenting and life advice.
- Gift baskets – nappies, clothing, food, toys.
- Family food bags (for the whole family).
- Annual Temcare Family Camp
NURTURE: Young family support:
SAFE: Crisis pregnancy referral service and support:
get involved
There are numerous opportunities for you to volunteer your services with Temcare