Our People


Craig Manners CEO. Qualifications: Bachelor of Theology BTh. (ACT) and Diploma in Theology (Dip. Th) from the Presbyterian Theological College. Graduate of the Company Director’s Diploma Course at the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD); Certificate in Financial Markets (SIA/FINSIA). Experience: Previously worked as a Senior Client Advisor for financial services, investment banking and investment management firms including HSBC Saw James Capel Ltd, Hartley Poynton Ltd, BT Australia Ltd and D&D Tolhurst Ltd.· Board member of Orbus Ministries Australia Inc., and Chanuk Nominees Pty Ltd ATF <The Fisherman’s Foundation>.


Timothy Morse: Chair. Qualifications: Bachelor of Psychology. Experience: Private practice as a psychologist. Area manager of Interrelate Family Services [NSW]. Family Consultant with the Commonwealth Family
Law Courts.

David Desmond:Vice Chair. Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts and Political Science [Honours]. Experience: Businessman and director of a not-for-profit company [Journey

Gordon Hoen: Board member. Experience: Businessman. Currently a director of five investment and commercial Boards. Also, currently a director of a charity, ‘One Tree Foundation’.

George Morgan: Board member. Qualifications: Bachelor of Law & Bachelor of Commerce (Melb Uni). Experience: Solicitor in Public Practice for 27 years and previously Partner in McCracken & McCracken (retired in 2012).

Susan Diggles: Board member. Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Theology, Diploma of Social Studies.

Trent Osborne: Board member. Qualifications: Masters of Strategic Procurement and Logistics. Experience: Business consultant and previous business owner.

Vin Lopes: Board member. Qualifications: Registered Builder. Experience: Former business owner and entrepreneur.