Focussed on Melbourne’s eastern and south eastern suburbs, Temcare’s NURTURE program provides practical support for single parents and/or struggling young families with children aged one to three, seeking to assist parents in this most fulfilling of human endeavours, raising a family.

Including a monthly get together in Ringwood North, where mothers can enjoy a time of friendship, morning tea and some play time for their children.

  • Encouragement, friendship, practical parenting and life advice.
  • Gift baskets – nappies, clothing, food, toys.
  • Regular family food bags (for the whole family).
  • Annual Temcare Family Camp

To join our NURTURE program simply email Sophia at Temcare at or call us on 03 9877 7729 for further information. Agencies or self referrals can also be made online here.


Additionally, Temcare’s SAFE program provides a crisis pregnancy referral service and practical support and encouragement for women who find themselves in an unexpected or crisis pregnancy situation.

Temcare staff can meet confidentially with pregnant women and offer free advice, referrals and positive solutions to allow the safety of both mother and baby. Temcare can also provide free practical resources and food bags to assist mothers-to-be during and after their pregnancy, as well as an invitation to Temcare’s annual Family Camp.

Please contact us for confidential discussion on 03 9877 7729 (even out of hours).

Providing a safe refuge and positive options to keep women and babies SAFE.

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