Prisoner’s Family Support

HOPE by Temcare

To request any of the following free services from Temcare please simply email or call us on 03 9877 7729 during office hours.

Temcare’s PRISONER’S FAMILY SUPPORT program (HOPE) provides support for adolescent children of prisoners and their families, including:.

  • Free school holiday camp placements across Victoria.
  • Sports participation opportunities with sporting teams.
  • Homework Help/Tutoring by volunteers.
  • Mentoring
  • Food bags from church partners for prisoner’s families.

Temcare staff members work closely with partner networks and supportive local churches to provide families of prisoners with practical assistance, in a supportive environment and from a Christian perspective.

An annual youth camp is also run for adolescents in Temcare’s HOPE and MATES programs.

For initial enquiries for the HOPE program please contact Craig Manners on 03 9877 7729 or Elaine Koo by email at

Please note: To register adolescent children of prisoners for a free school holiday camp please contact Craig Manners by email at for fast-track registration assistance.

“He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry.

The LORD sets prisoners free.”

Psalm 146:76 NIV